Commercial hydrochloric acid is available in the market as 30% aqueous solution and is widely used in industry in large quantities. But for certain applications e.g. in bulk drug/pharmaceutical industry HCl gas is required in gaseous form. Such users generate anhydrous HCl from commercial grade for their captive consumption. Several methods have been adopted and generation through BOILING ROUTE is also a reliable technique.
Salient features
1. Operational reliability
2. Available in wide range capacities - from 10kg to 200kg/hr of dry
3. Except commercial hydrochloric acid, no other raw-material is
4. The spent acid about 21% HCl usually finds use for captive
5. Capable of operating from 25-100%.
6. Ease of installation.
7. Negligible pressure drop.
Raw Material & Utility Requirements
The indicative requirements for 20kg/hr HCl gas generator are given
below :
1. 30-32% HCl, (kg/hr) : 250
2. Cooling water at 30° C (M³/hr) : 3.5
3. Chilled brine at -10° C ( M³/hr ) : 4
4. Saturated Steam at 2.5 Kgs/cm² - g (Kgs.) : 50